
Sobre la traducció catalana de la Tabulatio et expositio Senecae de Luca Mannelli // On the Catalan Translation of Luca Mannelli's Tabulatio et Expositio Senecae

  • Marta Marfany (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)


This article studies the medieval Catalan translation of the Latin work Tabulatio et Expositio Senecae by Dominican friar Luca Mannelli, which was composed around 1350 with fragments of Seneca’s works. The anonymous Catalan translation, preserved in a single fifteenth-century manuscript (Barcelona, Biblioteca de la Universitat de Barcelona, MS 282), remains unpublished. This article studies the context of the translation, the manuscript, and the text. It also identifies the copyist and illuminator of the manuscript, Jaume Buesa. This identification makes it possible to date the manuscript to the mid-fifteenth century. Last, this article also compares a sample of the Catalan text with Alonso de Cartagena’s Título de la Amistança, a partial Castilian translation of the Tabulatio.

Keywords: Seneca, Luca Mannelli, Tabulatio Seneca, Jaume Buesa, Francesc Desplà, Catalan translations

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Published on
07 Dec 2022