La traduction catalane médiévale de la Cité de Dieu et son modèle français: observations philologiques sur une contamination latine et édition du livre VI // The Medieval Catalan Translation of The City of God and its French Model: Philological Observations on a Latin Contamination and an Edition of Book VI
Manuscripts Barcelona, Biblioteca Pública Episcopal, 71 and 72 contain books II to IX of the anonymous medieval Catalan translation of Saint Agustine’s The City of God. The translation, which emerged from the entourage of Prince John of Aragon (c. 1383), comes in fact from the French version that Raoul de Presles had completed a few years earlier (c. 1375) on behalf of King Charles V. Archival data points to the arrival of a manuscript from the court of the Duke of Berry. In addition, the textual data shows that the Catalan text was based on a manuscript very close to the original and to the manuscript Angers, Bibliothèque Municipale, 162, documented at the Duke’s court. This article shows that the Catalan translation is regularly affected by a Latin contamination, which is not to be found in the French version, and includes the edition of Book VI.
Keywords: The City of God, Translation into French, Translation into Catalan, Saint Augustine, Raoul de Presles, Text Edition
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