
Il Florimont e i foyers di copia orientali: edizione e analisi linguistica del frammento Paris, BnF, nouv. acq. lat. 1034 // The Florimont and the Eastern Scriptoria: Edition and Analysis of the Paris, BnF, nouv. acq. lat. 1034 Fragment

  • Marta Materni


This paper offers an edition and linguistic analysis of a newly identified fragment of Aimon de Varennes’ Roman de Florimont, discovered in 2020 as a guard leaf of a fifteenth-century manuscript (Paris, BnF, nouv. acq. lat. 1034). The fragment contains around a hundred lines, though half have been reduced to a few words, or letters due to the trimming of the paper. As a result, there is very little data available and nothing more than hypotheses can be formulated. Stemmatically, the fragment can be placed within the orbit of the β family, according to Hilka’s terminology, and seems to be related to MS L (Monza, Bibl. Capitolare, b-21/137), which itself has close ties to the fifteenth-century MS W (Wien, ÖNB, 3434), a source entirely unknown to Hilka. Phonetic features place the fragment with reasonable certainty in the eastern Oïtanique area, and by converging phonetic with lexical data, it is possible to hypothesize the copy originated in an area between Burgundy and Franche-Comté.

Keywords: Roman de Florimont, Old French, Eastern Oïl Scripta, Franco-Provençal, Medieval French literature, French lexicography

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Published on
23 Oct 2024
Peer Reviewed