
«Cognatas cantabo acies»: breve nota su un anonimo poema epico quattrocentesco // «Cognatas cantabo acies»: A Short Note on an Anonymous Fifteenth-Century Epic Poem

  • Jacopo Pesaresi (Università degli Studi di Bologna)


This paper aims to bring to the attention of scholars an unpublished and never investigated epic poem transmitted in the codex Marciano Latino XII 135 (= 4100). The content of the text will be presented by way of commenting on the passages that are considered most significant and discussing their poetic sources and strong political motivations. An interpretation of the text from the perspective of political propaganda linked to the Rimini court of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta will be proposed. A proposal will be made for the attribution of the poem, contextualizing it, pending more in-depth studies, within the Malatesta production of the humanist Basinio da Parma.

Keywords: epic poetry, political propaganda, Italian Humanism, Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, Francesco Sforza, Basinio da Parma

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Published on
12 Mar 2024
Peer Reviewed