
Formatting Data for One and Two Mode Undirected Social Network Analysis

  • Austin T. Boyd (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
  • Louis M. Rocconi (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)


Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a statistical method used to analyze the social structure and interactions among individuals within a network. SNA is used extensively in a number of disciplines such as sociology, geography, and communications research. However, the use of SNA by practitioners and researchers in assessment and evaluation is much lower than their counterparts in other social science disciplines. One of the primary barriers to utilizing SNA in social science research is correctly formatting the data for use. The focus of this article is to provide researchers with a tool for restructuring long form data so that it can be used to conduct social network analyses and generate undirected sociograms.

Keywords: social network analysis, formatting data

How to Cite:

Boyd, A. T. & Rocconi, L. M., (2021) “Formatting Data for One and Two Mode Undirected Social Network Analysis”, Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation 26(1): 24. doi:

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Published on
10 Nov 2021