
Reliability Generalization Analysis of the Core Self-Evaluations Scale

  • Jisoo Ock (Pusan National University)
  • Samuel T McAbee (Bowling Green State University)
  • Seydahmet Ercan (Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi)
  • Amy Shaw (University of Macau)
  • Frederick L Oswald (Rice University)


As a multifaceted construct reflecting one’s self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability, core self-evaluations has become popular to measure in applied psychology research, especially given its conceptual importance and empirical usefulness for understanding the dispositional effects on employee attitudes and behaviors. Yet, less attention has been paid to the internal properties of its measurement, relative to its criterion-related validity evidence. Thus, we believe that it is useful and timely to report on meta-analytic evidence regarding the psychometric reliability and associated study characteristics of Core Self-Evaluations Scale (CSES; Judge et al., 2003) to inform their nature, use, and future development. Results demonstrated support for acceptable levels of coefficient alpha across measures (μα = .84, τ = .05). We discuss several implications for measuring CSE in a multidimensional and generalizable manner.

Keywords: reliability generalization, core self-evaluations, multidimensional constructs, measurement

How to Cite:

Ock, J., McAbee, S. T., Ercan, S., Shaw, A. & Oswald, F. L., (2021) “Reliability Generalization Analysis of the Core Self-Evaluations Scale”, Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation 26(1): 6. doi:

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Published on
17 Mar 2021