
Feedback is a gift: Do Video-enhanced rubrics result in providing better peer feedback than textual rubrics?

  • Kevin Ackermans (The Open University of the Netherlands)
  • Ellen Rusman (The Open University of the Netherlands)
  • Rob Nadolski (The Open University of the Netherlands)
  • Saskia Brand-Gruwel (Zuyd University of applied science)
  • Marcus Specht (Delft University of Technology)


High-quality elaborative peer feedback is a blessing for both learners and teachers. However, learners can experience difficulties in giving high-quality feedback on complex skills using textual analytic rubrics. High-quality elaborative feedback can be strengthened by adding video-modeling examples with embedded self-explanation prompts, turning textual analytic rubrics (TR) into so-called 'video-enhanced analytic rubrics' (VER). This study contrasts two experimental conditions (TR, n = 54; VERs, n = 49) with their version of the anonymized online tool (used to collect the given feedback in 'Tips for improvement and Tops identifying strengths'). Peer feedback quality (concreteness and consistency) was evaluated using Natural Language Processing. As expected, the video-enhanced rubrics condition resulted in a higher quantity of words used and a lower amount of naive wording compared to the textual rubric condition. Contrary to our assumptions, it did not lower the amount of non-constructive wording nor improved the amount of behavioral and process-related feedback. Possibly, the transition from providing more feedback to delivering more accurate behavioral and process-related feedback has not yet been made in the time set for the study.

Keywords: Feedback, formative assessment, multimedia, hypermedia

How to Cite:

Ackermans, K., Rusman, E., Nadolski, R., Brand-Gruwel, S. & Specht, M., (2021) “Feedback is a gift: Do Video-enhanced rubrics result in providing better peer feedback than textual rubrics?”, Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation 26(1): 17. doi:

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Published on
25 Jun 2021