
Reliability of Grading High School Work in English

  • Hunter M. Brimi


This research replicates the work of Starch and Elliot (1912) by examining the reliability of the grading by English teachers in a single school district. Ninety high school teachers graded the same student paper following professional development sessions in which they were trained to use NWREL’s “6+1 Traits of Writing.” These participants had been instructed to construct a 100-point rubric, assigning point values to each trait (though not all complied with this request). To evaluate the reliability in grading, data were analyzed for teachers reporting scores on a 100-point scale. Of the 73 participants who graded on a 100point scale, the scores ranged from 50 to 96. Analysis suggests that many of these teachers are proficient at assessing student writing, many are unaware of or simply resistant to research suggestions for writing assessment, and many show signs of being “assessment illiterate” (Stiggins, 1995). Accessed 12,244 times on from November 03, 2011 to December 31, 2019. For downloads from January 1, 2020 forward, please click on the PlumX Metrics link to the right.

Keywords: Student Evaluation, Academic Achievement

How to Cite:

Brimi, H. M., (2011) “Reliability of Grading High School Work in English”, Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation 16(1): 17. doi:

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