
The Circle of Methods for Evaluating Latent Variable Measurement Models: EFA, CFA, and ESEM

  • Kelvin Tosin Afolabi (University of Virginia - Main Campus)
  • Timothy Konold


Exploratory structural equation (ESEM) has received increased attention in the methodological literature as a promising tool for evaluating latent variable measurement models. It overcomes many of the limitations attached to exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), while capitalizing on the benefits of each. Given that the recent introduction of ESEM in statistical software has made its use more accessible to applied researchers, we describe the differences between these three approaches to evaluating measurement models and provide an illustration of their differences through an applied example. Syntax for running these models is also provided that can be modified for application by others.

Keywords: factor analysis, CFA, ESEM, structural equation modeling, school climate

How to Cite:

Afolabi, K. T. & Konold, T., (2024) “The Circle of Methods for Evaluating Latent Variable Measurement Models: EFA, CFA, and ESEM”, Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation 29(1): 15. doi:

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Published on
13 Nov 2024
Peer Reviewed