
Contrast Analysis: A Tutorial

  • Antal Haans


Contrast analysis is a relatively simple but effective statistical method for testing theoretical predictions about differences between group means against the empirical data. Despite its advantages, contrast analysis is hardly used to date, perhaps because it is not implemented in a convenient manner in many statistical software packages. This tutorial demonstrates how to conduct contrast analysis through the specification of the so-called L (the contrast or test matrix) and M matrix (the transformation matrix) as implemented in many statistical software packages, including SPSS and Stata. Through a series of carefully chosen examples, the main principles and applications of contrast analysis are explained for data obtained with between- and within-subject designs, and for designs that involve a combination of between- and within-subject factors (i.e., mixed designs). SPSS and Stata syntaxes as well as simple manual calculations are provided for both significance testing and contras Accessed 4,950 times on from May 29, 2018 to December 31, 2019. For downloads from January 1, 2020 forward, please click on the PlumX Metrics link to the right.

Keywords: Research Methodology, Statistical Analysis

How to Cite:

Haans, A., (2018) “Contrast Analysis: A Tutorial”, Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation 23(1): 9. doi:

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