
Recommendations for Developing Classroom Performance Assessments and Scoring Rubrics

  • Barbara M. Moskal


This paper provides a set of recommendations for developing classroom performance assessments and scoring rubrics similar to the sets of recommendations for multiple choice tests provided in this journal by Frary (1995) and Kehoe (1995a, 1995b). The recommendations are divided into five categories: 1) Writing Goals and Objectives, 2) Developing Performance Assessments, 3) Developing Scoring Rubrics, 4) Administering Performance Assessments and 5) Scoring, Interpreting and Using Results. A broad literary base currently exists for each of these categories. This article draws from this base to provide a set of recommendations that guide the classroom teacher through the four phases of the classroom assessment process — planning, gathering, interpreting and using (Moskal, 2000a). Each section concludes with references for further reading. Accessed 205,233 times on from May 29, 2003 to December 31, 2019. For downloads from January 1, 2020 forward, please click on the PlumX Metrics link to the right.

Keywords: *Rubrics, Scoring, *Student Evaluation, *Test Construction, *Evaluation Methods, Grades, Grading, *Scoring

How to Cite:

Moskal, B. M., (2002) “Recommendations for Developing Classroom Performance Assessments and Scoring Rubrics”, Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation 8(1): 14. doi:

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