
Characteristics Associated with Increasing the Response Rates of Web-Based Surveys

  • Thomas Archer


Having a respectable response rate is critical to generalize the results for any survey, and web surveys present their own unique set of issues. This research identified web deployment and questionnaire characteristics that were significantly associated with increasing the response rate to web-based surveys based on a systematic evaluation of ninety-nine web-based surveys. Thirteen web deployment characteristics and nine web-based questionnaire survey characteristics were subjected to correlation and regression analysis with response rate. The resultant findings prompted recommendations: [1] Increasing the total days a questionnaire is left open, with two reminders, may significantly increase response rates. It may be wise to launch in one week, remind in the next week, and then send the final reminder in the third week; [2] Potential respondents must be convinced of the potential benefit of accessing the questionnaire; and [3] Do not be overly concerned about the length or detail of the questionnaire - getting people to the web site of the questionnaire is more important to increasing response rates. Accessed 17,461 times on from October 04, 2007 to December 31, 2019. For downloads from January 1, 2020 forward, please click on the PlumX Metrics link to the right.

Keywords: Research Methods

How to Cite:

Archer, T., (2007) “Characteristics Associated with Increasing the Response Rates of Web-Based Surveys”, Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation 12(1): 12. doi:

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