The Arabic Gemini for Advanced Reading

Mohammed Jiyad

This chapter is part of: Leonard H. Ehrlich et al. 2004. Textures and Meanings: Thirty Years of Judaic Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Mohammed Jiyad’s evaluation of computerized reading programs represents the field of pedagogy as applied to language teaching (Arabic as well as any other), and in particular the debate regarding the effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction (CAI). At the theoretical level, Jiyad argues for the importance of reading as a means of enhancing total language acquisition, well beyond the skill of reading proper. He then presents a strong case for making CAI an essential part of the language teaching curriculum – in increasing student interest and motivation, in proving total language context (with the help of audio and video links) and a variety of help screens, and in allowing instructors to integrate their own reading materials, drills etc. by using the simple and easily accessible authoring programs provided. He then evaluates the different reading programs available, and argues for the relative advantages of one of them, the Genimi program.
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    Published Published By
    Aug. 1, 2004 University of Massachusetts Amherst
    Jiyad M. 2004. The Arabic Gemini for Advanced Reading. In Leonard H. Ehrlich et al. 2004. Textures and Meanings: Thirty Years of Judaic Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst