
Neuroprotective Effect of Peanut Hairy Root Extract Against Oxidative Stress in PC12 Derived Neurons

  • Badanavalu M Prabhu (Arkansas State University)
  • Fabricio Medina-Bolivar (Arkansas State University)
  • Jose Condori (Arkansas State University)
  • Ganapathy Sivakumar (Arkansas State University)
  • Malathi Srivatsan (Arkansas State University - Main Campus)


Oxidative stress resulting in neurodegeneration in specific areas of the brain leading to disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been well documented. A specific treatment, however, that can address oxidative stress and thus arrest the progression of PD is unavailable to date. In the present study, using neuronally differentiated rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells, a well-established model for studying neuroprotection, we have investigated the protective efficiency of a peanut hairy root extract (PHRE) consisting of resveratrol and other natural resveratrol analogs on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced neurodegeneration. PHRE is a highly defined and stilbenoid enriched product obtained from elicited-peanut hairy root cultures. PC12-derived neurons were treated with 300 µM H2O2 to expose them to oxidative stress. The cells underwent marked degeneration as determined by characteristic morphological features of degeneration and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay. Pretreatment with PHRE containing 15 µM of resveratrol and additional resveratrol analogs attenuated hydrogen peroxide-induced cytotoxicity of PC12 neurons. Even at 20 or 30 µM concentration, however, synthetic/commercial resveratrol alone did not protect the PC12 neurons from the H2O2 induced neurodegeneration that matched the level of protection provided by PHRE. Our results suggest that PHRE derived resveratrol along with other constituents in the extract have more potential as neuroprotectant than the synthetic/commercial resveratrol alone to prevent oxidative stress-induced cell death.

Keywords: Arachidin-1, arachidin-3, neuroprotection, resveratrol, stilbenoid

How to Cite:

Prabhu, B. M., Medina-Bolivar, F., Condori, J., Sivakumar, G. & Srivatsan, M., (2013) “Neuroprotective Effect of Peanut Hairy Root Extract Against Oxidative Stress in PC12 Derived Neurons”, Journal of Medicinally Active Plants 1(4), 125-133. doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2013