
Greenway landscape design: River Torrens Linear Park, Adelaide, South Australia - a process rather than an end state

  • Damien Mugavin (Seoul National University, Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural Systems Engineering)


This paper addresses the ongoing landscape design of the River Torrens Linear Park, which is the first and largest greenway within the metropolitan area of Adelaide, South Australia. This greenway is a 30 km long recreation and conservation open space, linking the Mount Lofty Ranges with Gulf St Vincent, and envelopes the River Torrens throughout its length. The planning and design of the greenway has previously been reviewed in detail by the author (Mugavin, D., 2004). The initial planning, design and implementation stages were undertaken in 1982 and have been ongoing through to 2010. River corridor management including water quality, weed control and vegetation re-establishment, public access, and recreation are ongoing issues. This paper addresses the re-establishment of the Breakout Creek sector of the greenway.

Keywords: greenways, design, adelaide, australia, process, landscape, linear

How to Cite:

Mugavin, D., (2010) “Greenway landscape design: River Torrens Linear Park, Adelaide, South Australia - a process rather than an end state”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 3(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2010