
Change and Continuity: The new understanding of the historic past presented by the example of Mikes Estate, Zabola

  • Albert Fekete (Corvinus University of Budapest, Dept. of Garden and Open Space Design)


Park landscapes can be regarded as a means of cultural expression. The Mikes Estate from Zabola (Zabala-Romania) shows - through its creation, its history and through the present situation and management of the estate - how the cultural landscape embodied many of the ideals and needs of the local society. These ideals reflected new reverence for the environment, new approaches to the conservation of natural resources, and a new sense of the historic past. The studied site is located in the central region of Romania, in the eastern side of Transylvania, at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains.

Keywords: greenways, change, mikes estate, zabola, romania, culture, transylvania

How to Cite:

Fekete, A., (2010) “Change and Continuity: The new understanding of the historic past presented by the example of Mikes Estate, Zabola”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 3(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2010