
Landscape Planning Aspects Of Municipal Creekside Greenways In Hungary

  • Ildikó Réka Báthory-Nagy (Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Garden Art)


As a researcher in landscape architecture, I focus on creekside landscapes: their special characteristics, natural and man-governed processes and abilities to recover. The general aim of my research work is to find better landscape planning and design solutions to improve Hungarian creek valleys’ functional, ecological and aesthetic conditions. As a practitioner, besides setting guidelines for restoration, I am engaged in landscape architectural projects focusing on the recreational and ecological development of urban creeksides.

In my present paper I would like to focus on some characteristics of landscape planning that are the elementary determinants of creekside greenways in Hungary. Through an urban greenway project proposed to the town of Veszprém, I intend to summarize some of the present issues and limitations regarding municipal creekside greenway development. The projected area is rather small but includes sufficient general issues to make it a perfect example:

Keywords: greenways, hungary, creek, water, river, landscape, planning

How to Cite:

Báthory-Nagy, I. R., (2010) “Landscape Planning Aspects Of Municipal Creekside Greenways In Hungary”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 3(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2010