
Model for the optimal localisation of linear landscape elements based on functional assessment

  • Burghard C Meyer (University of Dortmund, Faculty of Spatial Planning, Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning)
  • Ralf Grabaum (OLANIS GmbH)
  • Torsten Wolf (OLANIS GmbH)


In the last decades a multitude of assessment methods for landscape functions have been developed (Marks et al. 1989, Bastian and Schreiber 1994). The methods include detailed knowledge from the fields of different sciences and result in maps of landscape risk surfaces. GIS-based models are used to analyse and to asses the landscape functions. New ways are explored by the combination of mathematical methods and spatial data. The assessment of landscape functions is a suitable approach in land uses decision making, especially if a number of different and opposing function assessments are available for the same region. For opposing aims, a method for the integration of land uses in decision making is essential. The authors have developed the framework on multi-criteria landscape assessment and optimisation (MULBO) (Meyer and Grabaum 2003, Meyer 2006, Meyer and Grabaum 2008). MULBO offers a powerful alternative to the common structured aggregation procedures used in landscape planning. The assessment methods integrated as tools in MULBO are validated (Gruehn 2005).

The MULBO-framework focuses on the objectification of the planning process by the integration of multiple assessment results into optimal compromises considering different functions of a landscape and into future land use pattern mosaics or distributions. So far the scenario approach of MULBO for local greenway planning has calculated new spatial distributed land uses. The integration of linear landscape elements into MULBO is now realised. Linear landscape elements are of high impact on cultural landscapes e.g. for water river catchment problems, wind erosion, biodiversity and recreation purposes.

Keywords: greenways, linear, landscape, elements, gis, model

How to Cite:

Meyer, B. C., Grabaum, R. & Wolf, T., (2010) “Model for the optimal localisation of linear landscape elements based on functional assessment”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 3(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2010