
Greenway development possibilities in Hungray; Flood protection banks and abandoned railway lines in greenway development

  • Attila Csemez (Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development)


Greenways, as their name suggests, are linear elements. The essence of a greenway is that it connects and separates. A greenway system means a continuous, unbroken connection of green spaces. In Hungary the greenway system could become complete if existing and proposed greenways could be connected at the following locations:

⎯ Along the Danube and Tisza flood prevention banks

⎯ Along main routes

⎯ On both sides of the rivers and smaller streams

⎯ On the edges of settlements

A greenway system would provide ecological harmony and a determining landscape structure for the Carpathian basin, as well as strengthen its visual and landscape aesthetic (picturesque) character. Greenways in Hungary have special significance in the less-forested, mainly flat areas.

A greenway system of appropriate density could be created by protecting and enhancing the existing green surface elements of our landscape. Realizing this can happen if we can gain acceptance of the concept and its basic principles. The complicated state of land ownership as well as conflicts regarding land use in Hungary suggest the need for creating a variety of types of green corridors of differing levels of realization and facilities.

In Hungary the potential for a greenway network includes routes significant on the continental, regional and local levels. On the primary level we can distinguish ecological, environmental protection and leisure-cultural greenways. Henceforth I would like to introduce the connection points for the greenway system with an emphasis on their leisure-cultural significance. It may well seem that asserting a so called primary level is an artificial distinction, because leisure-cultural greenways could not exist if they did not also have ecological and/or environmental protection significance or effect as well.

Greenways, as their name suggests, are linear elements. The essence of a greenwayis that it connects and separates. A greenway system means a continuous, unbrokenconnection of green spaces. In Hungary the greenway system could becomecomplete if existing and proposed greenways could be connected at the followinglocations:⎯ Along the Danube and Tisza flood prevention banks⎯ Along main routes⎯ On both sides of the rivers and smaller streams⎯ On the edges of settlements and the environs of cities⎯ On the edges of lakes

Keywords: greenways, hungary, development, flood, protection, railway

How to Cite:

Csemez, A., (2010) “Greenway development possibilities in Hungray; Flood protection banks and abandoned railway lines in greenway development”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 3(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2010