
Integrating Digital Data into Greenway Planning with Augmented Reality

  • Mark S Lindhult FASLA (University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning)


Digital technologies, such as geographic information systems, are an integral part of the greenway planning process. A wealth of new technologies is evolving that provide improved data for planning and methods for evaluating the temporal and spatial qualities of a place. Augmented reality is a technology that can improve and enrich the user’s greenway experience. Augmented reality (AR) systems merge computer-generated graphics with a view of the physical world by aligning or registering computer graphics with a place. (Azuma, 1997) AR systems do not create a simulation of the physical world; rather augmented reality takes a real object or space as the foundation and incorporates computer graphics that add contextual data, information and meaning to a real object or place to deepen a person’s understanding. The paper will provide a clear background of augmented reality (AR), how it is being applied today, and describes the potential AR applications for greenway users. The goal is to provide greenway planners’ with a vision for how greenways will be used and interpreted in the future by users of AR technology.

Keywords: greenway, planning, digital, data, augmented, reality, vr, virtual

How to Cite:

Lindhult, M. S., FASLA, (2010) “Integrating Digital Data into Greenway Planning with Augmented Reality”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 3(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2010