
Role of Urban Public Open Spaces Around Schools

  • Anita Reith (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
  • Péter István Balogh (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
  • Krisztina Szabó (University of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
  • Judit Doma-Tarcsányi (Hungarian Univesity of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
  • Eszter Jákli (University of Agriculture and Life Sciences)


When we say school environment, we usually mean the territory within the fences of the institute – but what happens around the facility? In the last decades, due to the dominance of cars, the usage of the public spaces around schools have been dramatically changed. Not to mention the pandemic that is raising new requirements for public spaces inside and out – for school environments as well. Because of these changing aspects, it is important to review and redefine the role of the urban open spaces around schools. After a brief historical review, authors define the public open spaces around schools and give an overview of international trends and inventions with highlighting the key elements of development approaches that can support the current needs and role of the public open spaces around schools. Through examples, authors review the landscape architectural tools that are relevant around schools while also analysing how can a child-friendly network correlate with greenways and the green network of the city. As school environments can have a very different environmental quality based on the social, cultural, and landscape context, authors have chosen to take a closer look on the Hungarian context.

Keywords: public open spaces around schools, school environments, informal educational environments, urban interfaces, child-friendly network

How to Cite:

Reith, A., Balogh, P., Szabó, K., Doma-Tarcsányi, J. & Jákli, E., (2022) “Role of Urban Public Open Spaces Around Schools”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 7(1). doi:

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Published on
29 Aug 2022