
Landscape heritage and sustainable development in a border region of Hungary

  • Krisztina Filepné Kovács (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
  • Nóra Hubayné Horváth (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
  • Dalma Varga (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
  • Istvan Valanszki (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation)
  • Edina, Klára Dancsokné Fóris (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences)


Landscape functions reflect the goods and services provided by regions, highlighting the cultural,

economic and environmental factors.As a complex assessment method, a landscape function analysis can reveal the state of the pillars of sustainability, analyse the potentials, resources and limits of landscapes and land use systems and thus provide a basis for reaching balanced and effective rural development.

As study area we chose a peripheric, rural micro-region located along the Hungarian-Slovakian border including settlements of Ipolyvece, Patak, Nagyoroszi, Horpács, Hont, Drégelypalánk. The region is rich in natural and cultural values, large part of the area belongs to Börzsöny, from North as the Hungarian-Slovakian border we find the Ipoly river as one of the most natural rivers in Hungary. The successful rural areas are able to preserve the ecological value of the landscape and at the same time, provide appropriate income for the population. To highlight the connection of landscape functions, landscape heritage and rural development, we have chosen a peripheric micro-region rich in cultural and natural values.

Using wide range of indicators we analysed ecological value, agriculture, forestry, tourism, aesthetics, accessibility, and economic value. The landscape function analysis revealed the conflicts, limits of landscape resources and where certain landscape functions can be considered lower than the appropriate level. Natural and cultural assets are unevenly distributed in the area, tourism and the traditional but shrinking high added value fruit production can contribute to increase the income level of the population which is crucial for maintain the population retention capacity of the region.

Keywords: rural development, landscape function, landscape heritage

How to Cite:

Filepné Kovács, K., Hubayné Horváth, N., Varga, D., Valanszki, I. & Dancsokné Fóris, E., (2022) “Landscape heritage and sustainable development in a border region of Hungary”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 7(1). doi:

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Published on
29 Aug 2022