
Green Structure Under Pressure – About Knowledge in Planning processes. Case Study from Oslo

  • Kine Halvorsen Thorén (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Dep. of Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning)
  • Inger-Lise Saglie (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Dep. of Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning)


Compact city development has obtained a hegemonic status as a model for sustainable urban development in the Norwegian context as well as internationally. However, cities are also dependent on the natural environment to function properly, according to the report ” Norway´s Environmental Targets” (Norwegian Ministry of the Environment, 2012). A sound principle of sustainable urban developments is consequently to take care of continuous green structure with green corridors that link urban districts and green spaces with surrounding countryside. Such areas are important for the health and life quality for the urban population, but the authorities also underline the areas’ important function retaining a variety of habitats that support biodiversity in and around urban areas. Knowledge is also important: “Research and monitoring provide us with a sound knowledge of the environment, which is the foundation for our knowledge – based environmental management regime.” (Norwegian Ministry of the Environment, 2012 p. 50). What kind of knowledge is then needed? The report underlines knowledge about population status of species, the range of and ecological status of habitat types, and the impact of environmental pressures. There is less emphasis on “everyday nature”. The aim of the article is to investigate how knowledge about nature diversity is viewed and used in green structure planning, and we use a case study from Oslo as an example.

Keywords: greenways, oslo, green, planning, design, norway, development

How to Cite:

Thorén, K. H. & Saglie, I., (2013) “Green Structure Under Pressure – About Knowledge in Planning processes. Case Study from Oslo”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 4(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2013