
Greenways: An American Model Takes Root in Belarus

  • Valeria Klitsounova (Belarusian Agro- and Ecotourism Association ‘Country Escape’, Belarusian State University, Belarus)


The paper is dedicated to developing Greenways in Belarus – the country with transition economy, different mentality and great resources for tourism. Greenways concept is understood in various countries differently: sometimes further and broader then in the U.S., sometimes narrower and more functional. It depends a lot on natural, political, economic environment in the countries and initiatives of local communities. In Belarus Greenways is considered as a model which provides not only access to the nature but rather acts as an instrument for economic development of rural areas based on sustainability principles. Greenways also support development of civil society in the country after the collapse of communism. Greenways act as a tool for ‘creative economy’ and ‘learning arena’ for tourists.

Keywords: greenways, belarus, model, nature, design, planning, tourism

How to Cite:

Klitsounova, V., (2013) “Greenways: An American Model Takes Root in Belarus”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 4(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2013