Shadeways: Exploring a New Greenway Type Promoting the Mediterranean Bio Climate in Greece
- Alexander Kantartzis (Epirus Institute of Technology, Department of Agricultural Technology)
- Mark Lindhult (University of Massachusetts, Department of Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning)
In a Mediterranean climate the bioclimatic design parameters greatly influence and determine a greenway’s successful use in terms of human comfort and should be a key element in landscape planning and decision making. Tourism is probably the best example among human activities in which the linkages between environmental quality and economic prospects are evident (Priestley et al., 1996). Internationally, greenways have proved to be desired living places, with pedestrian access to nearby neighbouring rural towns, improving the overall quality of public space. Sustainable rural greenways geared to leisure and tourism offer mobility, conservation, reuse of natural and cultural heritage sites, recreational amenities for leisure activities, environmentally respectful touristic potential, and quality public spaces through proper greenway and landscape planning.
Keywords: greenways, shadeways, mediterranean, greece, climate, shade
How to Cite:
Kantartzis, A. & Lindhult, M., (2016) “Shadeways: Exploring a New Greenway Type Promoting the Mediterranean Bio Climate in Greece”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 5(2). doi:
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