
Terroir: Wine, Winery, Landscape

  • Olga Harea (Szent István University, Department of Urban Planning and Design)
  • Mariann Simon (Szent István University, Department of Urban Planning and Design)


Wine production has a long history in Hungary, but the system was totally rearranged following the change in the political-economic system. Due to the change in the ownership structure and in the scale of wine production several new wineries were built in the country in the last fifteen years, most of them also representing a high architectural quality.

Parallel with the development of wine tasting culture these buildings had to answer to multiple requirements: they had not only to accommodate to the production but also to represent the firm, and being the part of the new brand. Taste of wine is also based on the territory where the grape was grown, consequently the land means more than just the soil or the climate, but it refers also to the culture of the place. Like the terroir gives the accent to wine, the local land may have an impact on the winery. New Hungarian wineries are mostly situated close to the vineyards that is in a characteristic landscape. The owners often connect the two touristic attractions: wine tasting and enjoying nature. They require a building which is not only practical but also expressive that reflects nature, the culture, the culture of wine and the place, the genius loci.

Keywords: terroir, wine, greenways, hungary, winery, vineyard, landscape

How to Cite:

Harea, O. & Simon, M., (2016) “Terroir: Wine, Winery, Landscape”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 5(2). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2016