
Greenways as Resilient Infrastructure: The Brooklyn Greenway Case Study

  • Tricia Martin (Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation)


Greenways as resilient infrastructure illuminates the recent global progress in redefining and reimagining the possibilities for greenway planning and design. New greenways are highly ambitious as they are planned and designed to address a multiplicity of environmental and social challenges (Searns, R. M, 1995). Urban areas all over the world are experiencing temperature increases, severe rain events (and longer droughts), and sea-level rise while simultaneously impacted by population growth in cities (Cheng, Chingwen, et al., 2013). These environmental and social forces add strain to our urban areas and city leaders are looking for multi-objective strategies that can mitigate these strains and risks. The Brooklyn Greenway: An Agent for Green Infrastructure and Resiliency is presented as a case study for a 14-mile multiobjective resiliency corridor where greenways can be the first line of defense against big storms, the backbone for network-wide, neighborhood green infrastructure systems, viable habitat for native plants and wildlife, and lush, native landscapes keeping our cities cool (Martin, T. M., 2013). (Figure 1.0)

Keywords: greenways, resilient, infrastructure, brooklyn greenway

How to Cite:

Martin, T., (2016) “Greenways as Resilient Infrastructure: The Brooklyn Greenway Case Study”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 5(2). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2016