
The Role of the Greenways in the Harmonization of Urban-Rural Relation in Hungary

  • Edina Dancsokné Fóris (Szent István University, Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development)
  • Ágnes Sallay (Szent István University, Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development)


The decrease in the population of villages and the growth of cities is a global phenomenon, also present in Hungary. In inner peripheries, regions that most often lack cities, the ageing of the population and the emptying of the villages has begun. These regions are uniquely affected by regional development and rural development in terms of both economics and demographics. A significant step in creating cohesion between the advanced urban areas and the declining rural areas is the improvement of infrastructure (Csatári). We believe that greenways, as parts of the networks of infrastructure and green infrastructure, may play a significant role in the connection of urban and rural areas, and so in the revitalization of the villages.

The explicit aim of the regional greenways created in Hungary is to become the engine of local economic and community development through encouraging the locals. This engine is fed by both local resources and the visitors to the greenways. If these visitors are from more developed urban areas, a connection can be realized between the urban and rural population, making the greenways a tool for the improvement of these relations. In our research, we attempted to appraise the truth in this assumption.

Keywords: greenways, hungary, urban rural divide

How to Cite:

Fóris, E. D. & Sallay, Á., (2016) “The Role of the Greenways in the Harmonization of Urban-Rural Relation in Hungary”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 5(2). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2016