
Riverside Parks as a Tool of Landscape Transformation and Reconnecting People with Urban Nature

  • Kasper Jakubowski (Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Landscape Architecture)


The author presents the synthesis of his latest research results regarding the new concepts of urban green spaces, so called “ecology parks” or “naturalized parks” designed in many European cities since the beginning of 1990s. These relatively new types of parks (Cranz, Boland, 2004) have been created also in the immediate neighbourhood of urban riversides include reclaimed brownfield sites, restored floodplains and the remnants of semi-natural riparian vegetation in a city (urban wilds) (Jakubowski, 2015). The paper identifies what contribution the sustainable models of riverine parks can make to ecological balance of modern cities and solving environmental problems while enhancing urban water ecosystem services, for instance, social benefits (Januchta-Szostak 2012). I ask how the areas of natural value and brownfields can be successfully transformed into green public spaces and protected sites with reach biodiversity while become recognisable and eagerly used by people. Finally I propose some recommendations in terms of green spaces, urban ecology and the quality of life. Many European cities aim at protecting undeveloped, semi-natural space and wetlands and rendering it available to urban communities without compromising its natural conditions (Jakubowski, 2013a) (fig. 1-2).

Keywords: greenways, riverside, parks, urban nature, europe, ecology

How to Cite:

Jakubowski, K., (2016) “Riverside Parks as a Tool of Landscape Transformation and Reconnecting People with Urban Nature”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 5(2). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2016