
Monitoring Suburban Nature Trail Visitors and Their Attitudes to Voluntary Trail Maintenance in Sapporo, Japan

  • Tetsuya Aikoh (Hokkaido University, Research Faculty of Agriculture)
  • Tzuchi Wei (Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Agriculture)
  • Tasuku Kamei (Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Agriculture)


Recreational greenways, including walking trails, comprise one of the major categories of greenways (Fábos, 1995). Among the benefits provided by urban biodiversity are those people obtain from visiting nature trails in suburban forests. Managers need precise data, including data about usage levels, demands, and visitor satisfaction to demonstrate the importance of trails, and examine management measures. As challenges, managers also face a lack of funding and staff shortages in managing and maintaining the trails, having increasingly come to rely on volunteers for management. Alongside increasing interest, local stakeholders and visitors have progressively become expected to play a larger role in the collaborative management of protected areas.

Keywords: suburban, trail, vistors, greenways, maintenance

How to Cite:

Aikoh, T., Wei, T. & Kamei, T., (2016) “Monitoring Suburban Nature Trail Visitors and Their Attitudes to Voluntary Trail Maintenance in Sapporo, Japan”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 5(2). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2016