
Community Development at Kjeller Airfield Based on Principles for Ecological Democracy

  • Pavel Sagen (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning)
  • Anna Holand (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning)


This paper is a summary of the theoretical background and reflection for our master thesis in landscape architecture that was submitted in May 2016. The thesis is a design project with the goal of transforming a decommissioned airfield at Kjeller in Norway to become part of the public green and social infrastructure in the municipality. It shows an example of how the use of existing tools in the planning system, combined with the development of new tools to measure different conditions in a participation process, can bring new uses into the green structure.

Keywords: greenways, norway, kjeller, oslo, airfield, community development, ecological, landscape

How to Cite:

Sagen, P. & Holand, A., (2016) “Community Development at Kjeller Airfield Based on Principles for Ecological Democracy”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 5(2). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2016