
The Degree of Visibility as a Tool to Assess and Design of a Visual Corridor

  • Urszula Forczek-Brataniec (Cracow University of Technology, Landscape Architecture Institute)


Visual analysis has permanently entered the procedures related to design and management of spatial resources. It is strengthened in the form of instructions and textbooks and hence has become a vital source of information for more conscious design of spatial effects. The basis of the visual analyses is the range of the view - called viewshed. It used to be marked out with a ruler and a topographic map (Felleman, 1986) while currently this process is conducted with digital tools (Bishop, 2007). In this way we gain information regarding the range of the view from a particular site and hence the area from which the site is visible. This information refers to the surface and it contains the data on the area of the visible field called ZVI-Zone of Visual Influence used interchangeably with another term: ZTI, i.e. Zone of Theoretical Visibility or Zone of Visual Impact. When the subject of the analysis becomes a road stretched in the space, the river route or the power line we are dealing with a linear element. The visual zone in the traditional sense provides us only with partial information about the visual impact of the lines and lies far from the real visual relation between the line and the shape of the space it goes through. The line as a complex element requires an individual approach that takes into account its character.

Keywords: greenways, visual analysis, impact, corridor, design

How to Cite:

Forczek-Brataniec, U., (2016) “The Degree of Visibility as a Tool to Assess and Design of a Visual Corridor”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 5(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2016