
Lp(R)evolution: A City on the Way to the Future Las Palmas: ParkCity

  • Susanne Gerstberger (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Urbanism and Landscape, Department of Landscape Architecture)


For the first time in 2008, more people lived in cities than in the countryside. The USA expect that in 2050, more than 70% of the expected global population of 9 billion will be at home in the constantly growing megacities. Everywhere, in cities and in the countryside, anthropogenic changes are becoming visible with growing speed. Human footprints can already be found at apparently untouched places, in natural landscapes. At the same time, there is a growing need and search for untouched nature or natural spaces in the city. Nature deficit disorder is a serious matter that has to be addressed by urban and landscape planners.

In the future, a new form of landscape, an urban landscape with new ecosystems, will develop. A new landscape that adapts to the conditions prevailing in the new cities and the urban inhabitants, a landscape that newly defines and develops itself. This “new landscape” will have to take over new tasks in the urban landscapes: Spatial and functional, ecological and economic, and increasingly sociocultural tasks.

In the 2015/16 winter semester, the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria served as an urban landscape laboratory for our class of master’s students.

Keywords: greenways, Lp(R)evolution, las palmas, landscape

How to Cite:

Gerstberger, S., (2016) “Lp(R)evolution: A City on the Way to the Future Las Palmas: ParkCity”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 5(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2016