
Is There an Ideal Model for Effective Stormwater Management in Norway?

  • Ingrid Merete Ødegård (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning)


Climate changes in Norway deals with increased amount of precipitation and an elevation of temperature. Increased urbanization with more dense surfaces provides even more flooding risks, which is and has been the reality many places for some years now (Hanssen-Bauer, I. et al 2015).

Use of stormwater as a resource was the main topic in Norsk Vann rapport 162/2008. (Lindholm, made as a guideline for climate adapted stormwater management in Norway. The report addresses water engineers, planners and landscape architects working to solve the increased amount of stormwater due to climate changes. Additional water management has to provide values to the environment, such as aesthetics, experience, recreational and social values related to the total entity. We need to know how the practical work is performed. Is there an ideal method for stormwater management, a kind of best practice model that is possible to identify? How are the interdisciplinarity challenges solved?

This paper is based on an ongoing research project funded by the Norwegian Research Council and Asplan Viak AS. It is named in English “Stormwater as a resource. Increased use of stormwater as environmentally creating element in urban areas”, led by Asplan Viak AS in Norway (Vasseljen et al., in progress).

Through evaluation of case studies of ten different stormwater management projects in two major cities in Norway, Oslo and Trondheim, we got some interesting findings during our evaluations. The six Oslo cases are discussed and evaluated here. Stormwater will in this study, embrace both rainwater and surface water in urban reopening projects of creeks and small rivers much influenced by heavy rain events, since they are so closely connected.

Keywords: greenways, stormwater, norway, green infrastructure

How to Cite:

Ødegård, I. M., (2016) “Is There an Ideal Model for Effective Stormwater Management in Norway?”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 5(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2016