
The “Trame verte et bleue” French Policy: What Territorial Coherence Does it Offer?

  • Julie Chaurand (IRSTEA Montpellier UMR-TETIS)
  • Jean-Philippe Tonneau (CIRAD Montpellier UMR-TETIS)
  • Jacques Baudry (INRA Rennes UP-SAD Paysage)


Can the territorial coherence concept facilitate the implementation and the assessment of the French public policy called “Trame verte et bleue” (TVB)?

Coherence is inherent to TVB and is expressly noted in French law. The TVB policy has to be coherent at different territorial levels, from national to local and between adjacent territories. Policy goals linked to landscape ecology concepts have to provide synergies with other territory goals: economic activity, housing, tourism...

How can TVB project coherence be supported? In our work, we rely on the territorial coherence concept which we believe, has yet to be studied in the inter-scale assessment framework of public policy.

In this communication, we aim to describe the territorial coherence concept and propose an analytical framework for testing this concept in our research for TVB projects.

Keywords: greenways, Trame verte et bleue, france, policy, coherence

How to Cite:

Chaurand, J., Tonneau, J. & Baudry, J., (2016) “The “Trame verte et bleue” French Policy: What Territorial Coherence Does it Offer?”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 5(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2016