
Evaluation Methods of Urban Trees Along the Danube in Budapest

  • Ildikó Réka Báthoryné Nagy (Szent István University, Department of Garden Art and Landscape Technique)
  • Katalin Takács (Szent István University, Department of Garden Art and Landscape Technique)


Defined by national Hungarian legislation (National Act 1997. LXXVIII.), the evaluation of urban green spaces is required as part of an urban planning process. Such evaluation includes the analysis of dendrological features. In 2014 the procedure of urban planning regarding the river banks of the Danube at Budapest was started. The development of the Building Code of the river banks was based on numerous basic studies and researches in varying fields. The dendrological evaluation area was on both sides of the Danube River including 465 neighboring real estate lots, and also islands. We participated in a research which was meant to complete a tree evaluation assessment on the concerned urban open spaces in public use excluding forests37 of any kind, in order to provide supplemental data for decision makers while choosing the proper sites for development.

Keywords: greenways, urban trees, evaluation, hungary, danube, budapest

How to Cite:

Nagy, I. R. & Takács, K., (2016) “Evaluation Methods of Urban Trees Along the Danube in Budapest”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 5(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2016