
East Coast Greenway 2050: Harford County

  • David N Myers (University of Maryland)


This paper documents both the process and product of a university studio project that explores the role of the East Coast Greenway (ECG) in the overall 2050 Harford County biking and greenway system plans. Harford County, MD occupies an important geographic area in which the ECG is aligned in the Mid-Atlantic region. The presentation also documents initiatives in the more urbanized counties of the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia. Numerous initiatives that characterize urban jurisdictions are reviewed for their relevance to a more a rural environment, but also a county that is experiencing population growth. The specific objectives of this studio project were to 1) research and document the inventory, programming information, and composite analysis, 2) to inform and create envisioning design and planning products that could be used by the ECG supporters, and 3) to assist in the overall initiatives of the ECG and trail and bike planning in Harford County. The ABC method, utilizing a GIS / ecological design approach, was adopted to document the abiotic, biotic and cultural inventory of the county. The general envisioning approach was to allow each student to develop their own concept ideation process as to produce a variety of scenarios. The proposed ECG plans and designs offer an opportunity to explore the possible roles of the ECG, ECG challenges, and ECG’s role in embracing Harford County’s social, economic, and environmental diversity.

Keywords: Studio Project, East Coast Greenway

How to Cite:

Myers, D. N., (2019) “East Coast Greenway 2050: Harford County”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 6(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2019