
Greenness Indicator for Spatial and Settlement Planning Based on NDVI and LAI Indicators

  • Laszlo Kollányi (Szent István University, Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development)
  • Klaudia Máté (Szent István University, Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development)
  • Viola Prohászka (Szent István University, Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development)
  • Edina D Fóris (Szent István University, Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development)
  • Ágnes Sallay (Szent István University, Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development)


In the international practice of green infrastructure research, many indicators have been developed to measure the social functions, naturalness, the role of the urban climate, interconnection, networking, multifunctionality, and ecosystem services. In 2007, an indicator of biological activity value (BA) was introduced into the Hungarian town planning practice and legislation, which shows the intensity of green areas in areas to be built and is the basis for counting land use changes of settlements. However, the actual biomass, which can be measured by remote sensing devices, has not yet been considered in determining the indicator values. The main purpose of this research was to develop an easy-to-use, easily adaptable indicator for spatial and settlement planning, which has good correlation with the green coverage of different land uses and with biomass; and which may be also suitable for monitoring the ecological value of land use changes.

Keywords: green infrastructure indicator, NDVI, LAI index, urban planning, biomass

How to Cite:

Kollányi, L., Máté, K., Prohászka, V., Fóris, E. D. & Sallay, Á., (2019) “Greenness Indicator for Spatial and Settlement Planning Based on NDVI and LAI Indicators”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 6(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2019