
Assets of Water Mills in Hungary

  • Zita Szabó (Szent István University)
  • Ágnes Sallay (Szent István University, Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development)


Watercourses have been a great energy resource for thousands of years (Lewis 1997). Technical inventions have changed the role of water as an energy resource. The landscape preserved the former usage of watercourses as we can still find water mills.

In this research, we show the presence of water mills in Hungary. The main goal of the research is to show the possibilities to use water as an energy resource based on historical knowledge and the new technical improvements. We show which landscape characteristics make a place suitable for water mills. However, it is important that water mills change the landscape. We also answer the question how these elements can fit into greenways. There are examples of new functions like residential buildings, exhibition halls or community spaces. This helps to start to use water energy in a sustainable way and to give new functions for the old watermills.

Firstly, we review the types of water mills and the technical improvement in Hungary (Kádár 2010). Secondly, we summarize the history of water mills in Hungary (Kádár 2010). The main part of our research is to map the water mills in the country. As a resource, we used TÉKA (Land Value CT) to find existing watermills. Water has been used as energy source for long time in Hungary. Both streams and rivers have been used, geographical conditions determine the possibilities. With new inventions, these old wind mills can be important elements in the landscape again.

In our research, we mapped the water mills in Hungary. Historically, water was used as an energy resource much more in this country. Streams, rivers could provide a great opportunity to use renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. Water can be used as an energy resource that is more efficient, with new technical improvements. These developments provide a great opportunity to reuse these historical elements again and incorporate them into greenways.

Keywords: hiydropower, sustainability, greenway, landscape value

How to Cite:

Szabó, Z. & Sallay, Á., (2019) “Assets of Water Mills in Hungary”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 6(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2019