
Conception and Execution: Critical Knowledge and its Construction in Alternative and Autonomous Media

  • Robert Bertuzzi (University of Toronto)


Recent investigations of the alternative media landscape have mapped a variegated field of practices, theoretical orientations, forms and content. Amidst this pluralistic flourishing, Marxian influences remain central to several such projects. This paper examines two specific variants of these Marxian-informed media projects. Proponents of the first advocate for the provision of object content that is critical in alternative outlets in response to the political economy of corporate news media. In the second, exponents ostensibly privilege form over content as a means to develop the critical subjectivities of participants in a project of micro social formations. The aim here is to bring these divergent strands of thought and action into conversation with one another. In doing so, what is expressed is an overlooked element of Marx’s oeuvre; one that proffers a praxis fusing key features of the critical and autonomous media traditions into something with newfound potentialities.

Keywords: Alternative media, autonomous media, Marx, labour process, medium, epistemology, counter-hegemony

How to Cite:

Bertuzzi, R., (2020) “Conception and Execution: Critical Knowledge and its Construction in Alternative and Autonomous Media”, Democratic Communiqué 29(2). doi:

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Published on
26 Dec 2020