Inspiration and motivation: The similarities and differences between critical and acritical media literacy
- Nolan Higdon
- Allison Butler
- J. D. Swerzenski
This article addresses the theoretical and practical differences between acritical and critical media literacy as researched and practiced by United States’-based scholars. Drawing from the top-cited authors in the field of media literacy, the authors share their analysis of the similarities and differences in pedagogical approaches. Attention is paid to gaps in critical media literacy research and further research needed.
Keywords: Critical Media Literacy, Curriculum; Learning Outcomes, Learning Opportunities, Curriculum, Learning Outcomes
How to Cite:
Higdon, N., Butler, A. & Swerzenski, J., (2021) “Inspiration and motivation: The similarities and differences between critical and acritical media literacy”, Democratic Communiqué 30(1). doi:
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