112/112H: Multimodal

Horror Movies Are Vital

  • Declan Carroll

How to Cite:

Carroll, D., (2023) “Horror Movies Are Vital”, Best Text Collection 4(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.7275/best_text.2220



Published on
21 Jun 2023

Second Place

Declan Carroll

Sara Hetherington


5 December 2023

Horror Movies Are Vital

An eight-page handmade zine.

“Horror Movies Are Vital” in large red letters. At the bottom of the page is an EKG line with a realistic heart. Black text reads: “Because they make you…”

“Understand Your Fears” in large green letters. Text reads: “‘The purpose of horror films is to highlight unconscious fears, desire, urges, and primeval archetypes that are buried deep in our collective subconscious’ (Park 3). A picture from “American Psycho (2000),”

a picture from “Scream (1996)” and a picture from “Black Swan (2010).” “Junior Tim of Quincy Adams Tower” says “Psychological horror movies get into more subconscious fears when they talk about like family problems or abandonment or mental disorders.” A drawing of Frankenstein’s monster.

“Face Your Fears” in large blue letters. Text reads: “‘Watching horror may actually help some people become more resilient in real life. That’s because horror movies let people practice feeling negative emotions in a safe setting’ (Temming).” A picture from “‘Carrie’ (1976),”

a picture from “Midsommar (2019),” and a picture from “It (1990).” “Freshman Hope of Van Meter Manor” says “Horror movies in particular immerse their viewers into a whole new world in order to get the required ‘scare’ effect.” A drawing of a person with sunken eyes and blue hair.

“Question Your Fears” in large purple letters. Text reads: “‘Horror movies are a commentary on social issues and concerns. Albeit, these issues are exaggerated and twisted into a feature film for the audience’s enjoyment’ (Fiveson).” A picture from “Get Out (2017),”

a picture from “Silent Hill (2006),” and a picture from “Parasite (2019).” “Sophomore Robin of Baker Cabin” says “I think oftentimes horror movies reflect what a society is scared of and gives a description of it.” A drawing of a witch.

Spiders in spider webs are drawn on the page. 
    Fiveson, Heather, “Horror and Society – Lynn University.” Lynn, https://spiral.lynn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1064&context=studentpubs. Accessed 16 Nov. 2023.
    Park, Michelle, “The Aesthetics and Psychology Behind Horror Films” (2018). Undergraduate Honors College Theses 2016-. 31. https://digitalcommons.liu.edu/post_honors_theses/31.
    Temming, Maria. “What’s the Fun in Fear? Science Explores the Appeal of Scary Movies.” Science News Explores, 27 Oct. 2022, https://www.snexplores.org/article/fun-fear-science-appeal-scary-movies-horror. Accessed 16 Nov. 2023.
    By Declan Carroll”