
Representing Multiple Dependencies in Prosodic Structures

  • Kristine M. Yu (University of Massachusetts - Amherst)


Association of tones to prosodic trees was introduced in Pierrehumbert and Beckman (1988). This included: (i) tonal association to higher-level prosodic nodes such as intonational phrases, and (ii) multiple association of a tone to a higher-level prosodic node in addition to a tone bearing unit such as a syllable. Since then, these concepts have been broadly assumed in intonational phonology without much comment, even though Pierrehumbert and Beckman (1988)\'s stipulation that tones associated to higher-level prosodic nodes are peripherally realized does not fit all the empirical data. We show that peripherally-realized tones associated to prosodic nodes can be naturally represented with bottom-up tree transducers. Additionally, multi bottom-up tree transducers provide a way to represent non-peripheral boundary tones and multiple tonal association, as well as multiple dependencies in prosodic structures in general, including prosodically-conditioned segmental allophony.

Keywords: prosody, phonology, intonation, tone, tree transducers, intonational phonology, autosegmental-metrical theory

How to Cite:

Yu, K. M., (2022) “Representing Multiple Dependencies in Prosodic Structures”, Society for Computation in Linguistics 5(1), 171-183. doi:

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Published on
01 Feb 2022