
Corpus-based measures discriminate inflection and derivation cross-linguistically

  • Coleman Haley (University of Edinburgh)
  • Edoardo M Ponti (University of Edinburgh)
  • Sharon Goldwater (University of Edinburgh)


Japanese passives are traditionally considered to have two types: direct and indirect passives. However, more recent studies, such as Ishizuka (2012), suggest the two types can be unified un- der the same syntactic movement analysis. Uti- lizing the Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese (BCCWJ; Maekawa, 2008; Maekawa et al., 2014), this study aims to in- vestigate how likely different types of passives appear in the naturally occurring texts, espe- cially in relation to markedness-based hierar- chy called Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierar- chy (NPAH; Keenan and Comrie, 1977), and to investigate if true indirect passives occur in contemporary written Japanese.

Keywords: Morphology, Computational Linguistics, Typology, Inflection and Derivation

How to Cite:

Haley, C., Ponti, E. M. & Goldwater, S., (2023) “Corpus-based measures discriminate inflection and derivation cross-linguistically”, Society for Computation in Linguistics 6(1), 403-407. doi: https://doi.org/10.7275/z5z0-xx64

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Published on
01 Jun 2023