Extended Abstract

Distributed Morphology as a regular relation

  • Marina Ermolaeva (University of Chicago)
  • Daniel Edmiston (University of Chicago)


This research reorganizes the Distributed Morphology (DM) framework to work over strings. Typically, DM operates on binary trees, with the syntax-morphology interface implicitly treated as a tree-transducer. We contend that using (binary) trees is overpowered, predicting patterns unattested in natural language. Assuming the standard Y-model, DM operating on trees presumes that the flattening of the derivation for PF takes place post-morphology. We however flatten the structure above the morphological module, between the syntax and morphology. Restricting the morphological component to working on strings, we correctly predict that morphology can be modeled with regular string languages.

Keywords: Distributed Morphology, language complexity, regular languages, regular relations, syntax-morphology interface

How to Cite:

Ermolaeva, M. & Edmiston, D., (2018) “Distributed Morphology as a regular relation”, Society for Computation in Linguistics 1(1), 178-181. doi: https://doi.org/10.7275/R51834PC

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Published on
01 Jan 2018