
ANLIzing the Adversarial Natural Language Inference Dataset

  • Adina Williams (Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research)
  • Tristan Thrush (Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research)
  • Douwe Kiela (Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research)


We perform an in-depth error analysis of the Adversarial NLI (ANLI) dataset, a recently introduced large-scale human-and-model-in-the-loop natural language inference dataset collected dynamically over multiple rounds. We propose a fine-grained annotation scheme for the different aspects of inference responsible for the gold classification labels, and use it to hand-code the ANLI development sets in their entirety. We use these annotations to answer a variety of important questions: which models have the highest performance on each inference type, which inference types are most common, and which types are the most challenging for state-of-the-art models? We hope our annotations will enable more fine-grained evaluation of NLI models, and provide a deeper understanding of where models fail (and succeed). Both insights can guide us in training stronger models going forward.

Keywords: natural language inference, natural language understanding, neural networks, corpora, machine learning, annotation, artificial neural networks

How to Cite:

Williams, A., Thrush, T. & Kiela, D., (2022) “ANLIzing the Adversarial Natural Language Inference Dataset”, Society for Computation in Linguistics 5(1), 23-54. doi:

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Published on
01 Feb 2022