Authors: Lindsey Devers Basileo , Michael Toth
The purpose of the study is to close the gap in the literature regarding the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model (MTEM) that lacks large scale empirical investigations to assess the predictability of the model. The study thoroughly reviews the extant literature from all teacher evaluation frameworks, particularly focusing on the large body of published studies that have investigated the correlations between teacher observation ratings and teacher value-added measures, then outlines the literature specific to the MTEM. The study extracted observation ratings from a collection platform and linked it to the Florida Department of Education teacher value-added measure, which controls for prior testing history and student-level characteristics. The study sample included over 12,000 teachers and validated the use of the MTEM, particularly in Florida, by upholding the magnitude of correlations found in other instructional frameworks and demonstrating that observation ratings were the largest predictor in multilevel models accounting for student, teacher and school level characteristics.Accessed 429 times on from July 25, 2019 to December 31, 2019. For downloads from January 1, 2020 forward, please click on the PlumX Metrics link to the right.
Keywords: Test Use, Teacher Evaluation
How to Cite: Basileo, L. D. & Toth, M. (2019) “A State Level Analysis of the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model: Predicting Teacher Value-Added Measures with Observation Scores”, Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation. 24(1). doi: