
Estratégias de deformação e transformação em Apenas uma narrativa

  • Bruno Silva Rodrigues


Abstract: Apenas uma narrativa uses several core principles of Surrealism to construct a circular journey between reality and dream. Above all, there is an intention in this work to praise the unconscious. This is part of a general attempt by twentieth century artists to propose an alternative to the prevailing rational and logical mode. In the case of Apenas uma narrativa, this is not only achieved by the surrealist matrix, but also through the semiotics of the illustrations and the use of the Freudian concept of the uncanny. The various experimental journeys carried out by the protagonist of the story are situated at the intersection between the internal and the external dimensions of the human condition. This challenge can only be grasped by an inner transformation of the subject, hence the various metamorphoses present in the text. Nevertheless, surmounting this apparent chaos, Apenas uma narrativa achieves a certain harmonization, even in terms of conventional story-telling. Finally, Pedro‘s vision of art being an encounter between different artistic realms is expressed in Apenas uma narrativa through the references shared by the text, the illustrations within the book, and the paintings of the author. The interplay between visual and scenic features therefore establishes this text as an attempt to eliminate barriers between text and image.

Keywords: surrealism, reality and dream, illustrations

How to Cite:

Rodrigues, B., (2014) “Estratégias de deformação e transformação em Apenas uma narrativa”, Portuguese Cultural Studies 5(1). doi:

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Published on
27 Aug 2014