
Apontamentos para uma cartografia do pensamento pedagógico de António Pedro -- para uma arquitectura do teatro de amadores

  • Teresa André


Abstract: António Pedro, the avejão, stood out in the Portuguese cultural landscape as one of the introducers of artistic and aesthetic concerns that were surfacing at the time in Europe. Over a period of several decades, he traced a consistent and disciplined path, breaking with prevailing ideologies and reacting against imposed artistic trends. He revealed the desire for aesthetic growth and the ambition of achieving harmony with cosmic plurality, as well as contributing to awakening other artistic creators to need for change. This article intends to illustrate the intense relationship of this artist with the various arts, and more specifically, some of his aesthetic conceptions and their guiding pedagogical action in the area of the theatre. The aim of reflecting on the strategic options of public education/training for the theatre oriented his “educational program”. He believed that such a project was a vital contribution to the construction of a national artistic education. Through the analysis of a selection of writings by this artist, we have tried to provide some notes for a possible mapping of his beliefs.

Keywords: cultural landscape, artistic trends, cosmic plurality, change

How to Cite:

André, T., (2014) “Apontamentos para uma cartografia do pensamento pedagógico de António Pedro -- para uma arquitectura do teatro de amadores”, Portuguese Cultural Studies 5(1). doi:

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Published on
27 Aug 2014