
BGI Cross-Scale Coupling Space Connecting Regional Greenway and Community

  • Jingyuan Yuan (Dept. of Landscape, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology)
  • BING WU (Dept. of Landscape, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology)
  • Xiaoguang Liu (Dept. of Landscape, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology)


At present, China is advancing its territory spatial planning, implementing the requirements of the Paris Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity through the construction of the GI, reducing the impact of urban development on climate change, improving ecosystem services, and maintaining sustainable urban development. Regional territory spatial planning provides a planning method for urban and regional green infrastructure. However, there is a lack of research on the green infrastructure construction mode connecting the boundary space of these two scales of greenway networks. Greenway systems must be highly connected to maintain basic ecological functions (Forman 1995, Urban 2001, Coulon 2004). In this paper, the concept of Boundary Green Infrastructure (BGI) is proposed, that is, the ecological space where the urban green infrastructure (UGI) network and regional green infrastructure (RGI) network intersect at the boundary of urban areas. BGI has the capability of connecting two levels of the greenway network. This paper selects greenway systems in six European cities as case studies. By calculating the patch landscape stability, the best BGI distance threshold range was determined, and the BGI range was determined by comparing the differences between patch importance indexes. This paper analyzes the spatial pattern of BGI and summarizes the BGI planning strategy suitable for the sustainable development of Chinese cities, which also provides a reference for the GI system in Europe. It has been proved that BGI can strengthen the connection between urban and regional greenway networks, improve ecological functions, and connect cross-scale greenway networks. Based on the above methods, this paper analyzes the current BGI indicators of Harbin (the capital of Heilongjiang Province, China) and optimizes the BGI of Harbin's cross-scale greenway network. Thus, the landscape connectivity of the optimized greenway system can be improved, the ecological core area can be increased, and the ecological function can be advanced, which proves the feasibility of connecting the multi-scale greenway network with the BGI model.

Keywords: BGI, Green Infrastructure, Territory Spatial Planning, Cross-Scale Coupling Space

How to Cite:

Yuan, J., WU, B. & Liu, X., (2022) “BGI Cross-Scale Coupling Space Connecting Regional Greenway and Community”, Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 7(1). doi:

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Published on
29 Aug 2022